posted @ 2010年1月31日 08:27
in c/cplusplus
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(一)G_OS_WIN32, 判断当前系统是否是win32
#include <glib.h> int main(int argc,char* argv) { #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 printf("youare in windows os"); #endif return 0; }
1.glib_major_version glib主版本信息
//extern const guint glib_major_version; printf("glib version is %d",glib_major_version);
2.glib_minor_version 次版本号
//extern const guint glib_minor_version; printf("glib minor version is %d \r\n",glib_minor_version);
if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (1, 2, 0)) g_error ("GLib version 1.2.0 or above is needed");
@g_error : 弹出对话框,显示错误信息。
update log:
2019年9月11日 19:26
HomeMaids Clean-up Services offers a variety of Warehouses, Educational institutions, Hospitals, Merchants, Showrooms & Manufacturing Cleaning, this really is from a compact office nearly large manufacturing area units. Our many staff usually are fully trained with the job them to undertake whether it be buffing floor surfaces, using scrubber driers or maybe general cleaning in the office.
2022年8月09日 19:11
Internet is something we all use in our daily life to experience different things from Entertainment in our personal life to getting extensive work done in the office life as well, but in order to do this you might turn to your Internet connection via the Wi-Fi which is only accessible if you have a router that allows to give you Wireless connection which is WAN in simple terms. 192.168. 0.1 And there are a lot of routers all across the world that use different Internet Protocol Gateways to access the Admin panel and some of these routers use the IP Address